
As Straight As Can Be:Part 1

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Literature Text

As Straight As Can Be

If anybody knew how hard it was to be an outcast, that anybody was Tina Kinsley. At St. Brooks Academy, she was the most popular girl in school. She was always surrounded by people she loved and who loved her back.
But when her parents decided to move out of the Suburbs and into the city, Tina had a feeling things weren’t going to turn out so well.

And she was right…..

“Tina, come on sweetie. It’s time to go!”
Tina rolled over her Tinkerbelle blanket and grabbed her alarm clock; 6:45.
She groaned and pulled a pillow over her head. Today was the day she started school at Stonewall Highschool and, at this point, she didn’t care if she got up or not.
Her father knocked on the door, crept in and sat on her bed.
“Hey Tin-Tin, what’s the matter?” He asked quietly, his brows knit together with worry.
“Aren’t you even a little bit excited?”
Tina sat upright and glared at her dad.
“I was ripped away from my friends and my life back in Brookfield. Am I supposed to be excited?”
She flopped back down and reburied her head under the bright pink pillow. Her dad gave a chuckle.
“Come on Tin-Tin, don’t be so glum.”
He pat Tina on the head.
“How about I drive you to school today instead of mom, hm? Is that okay?”
Tina pulled the pillow down a bit to peek up at her dad.
“Deal, sport-o,”
She sat up again.
“But be warned. This may be the last day I go.”

“ ‘Kay Tin-Tin. This is the last stop.”
Tina sighed. There were so many kids and they looked nothing like her friends back in Brookfield. Tina gave an irritated huff.
“They all dress weird,”
She looked at her dad, her eyes filled with frustration.
“They probably worship the devil or something.”
Her dad laughed.
“Tina, don’t be so quick to judge. Their your new school chums remember?”
Tina opened the door and climbed out of the car. She looked at her dad one more time and said, “I know. Thanks for the reminder.”
And closed the door.

So far, this school didn’t seem like a place she would immediately be accepted in. Tina walked up the hallway, looking for markers or something that could tell her where the principal’s office was.
“Hey, you new or something?”
Tina turned around and expected to see a boy, but instead came face to chest with a rather masculine looking girl. Her inky black hair was cut short, short enough that it was styled into a fauxhawk. Her lip was pierced on both sides and she had a small hoop earring in her right ear.
Tina was terrified. Why was this girl dressed like a dude? Was she a dyke or something? Tina noticed there were a couple more girls behind this one. They were all staring at her.
“I saaaaid, are you new here?”
Tina stood speechless. I’m gonna get raped, I’m gonna get raped.
The girl eyeballed her from head to toe.
“You’re definitely not from the city.”
She held her hand out towards Tina.
“I’m Bobby.”
Tina pointed at the girl.
“Lesbian.” Was the only word she managed to utter out.
Bobby tossed her back and laughed, then looked herself over.
“Do I really look like a lesbian to you?”
She laughed again and looked back at her friends.
“I should’a worn a pwetty dwess.”
Tina tried to smile, but lost her grip on courage when Bobby lowered her face down to Tina’s, a serious expression sweeping over her face.
“You’re straight and we haven’t had a single straight kid in this school since it opened.”
Tina gasped.
“You mean…?”
Bobby’s face became darker.
“That’s right. This is a GAY school.”
Bobby stood up straight.
“You better not try to convert ANYBODY, breeder.”
She glared at Tina before she turned to walk away.
“I’ve got my gaydar on you.”
Bobby and her friends walked away right as the bell rang. A swarm of students flooded into the hall, scattering about to find their first period classes.
They’re all gay…She thought, horrified, as she stared at everybody who glared back at her. They’re all gay…
A teacher peeked her head out of a classroom.
“B14 homeroom students, in here!”
Tina glanced down at her schedule and sighed.
“B14…” She mumbled.
This day would only get harder.

“Welcome class, to B14. This will be your homeroom class for the rest of Sophomore year.”
The teacher turned and began to scribble her name on the whiteboard.
“I’m Ms. Wade and I’ll be your homeroom teacher.”
Everybody turned as someone strode casually into the room.
“Oh Jesus…”Tina mumbled as she shrank into her desk.

It was Bobby.

“Sorry Iona, I went to the bathroom and things got a little…..sticky.”
A sweet looking Asian girl peeked her head into the class and mouthed the words ‘Meet me at lunch’ as Bobby smiled at her and licked her lips.
“Ana, go to class.”
Ms. Wade smiled as the girl skipped away, giggling.
“Remember Bobby, it’s Ms. Wade. Now take a seat….”
Ms. Wade scoped the room for an extra seat. Tina glance sideways and saw that the only available seat was next to her.
“Right next to…”
She checked the roll card, obviously looking for a name she’d never seen before.
“Kinsley, Tina?”
Tina raised her head feebly as Bobby turned to her. Her eyes instantly narrowed as she sulked over to her seat.
“Ms. Wade, do I have to sit next to her? What if she tries to make me straight?”
The entire class turned to face Tina. She felt her face flush with embarrassment.
Ms. Wade shook her head.
“Now Bobby, I doubt that’d ever happen to you.”
She got up out of her seat and floated over to Tina.
“Now, since it seems we have a new student, why don’t we have her introduce herself?”
God, was the teacher out to get her too?
“Don’t be shy. These kids are a little…..different, but they wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
Tina shrank again.
Yeah, they’d save their energy on a bear or a killer whale.
She lifted her hand and gave a tiny wave.
“I-I’m Tina, f-f-from B-B-Brookfield A-Academ-m-my…”
Bobby pretended to clear her throat.
Tina lowered her head, her face burning wildly.
“And I’m straight.”
The entire class came alive with conversation, each student mumbling to another student, all eyes were on Tina.
“Thank you, Bobby. You can sit down, sweetie.”
Tina didn’t want to sit down. She wanted to melt away into a crack where no one would find her again.
“Okay class, free speech until the end of the period.”
Ms. Wade returned to her seat.
“Tina, can I speak to you for a moment?”
Tina sighed, grabbed her backpack and silently made her way up to the front of the classroom.
Ms. Wade smiled up at her.
“I’m sorry if I’ve embarrassed you. I’m sure it’s not easy being straight in an all gay school.”
Tina’s eyes grew wide.
“Are you a……….a lesbian too?”
Ms. Wade laughed.
“Me? Oh no, I’m only half a lesbian.”
Tina cocked her head. How could anybody be half a lesbian? Ms. Wade sensed her confusion and gladly explained.
“It means I’m bisexual. I like guys and girls.”
Tina felt her heart drop. She was still the only straight person in school. She looked at Ms. Wade.
“How did this end up being an all gay school?”
Ms. Wade shrugged.
“Well, the name gives it away…”
Tina was lost again. Ms. Wade laughed.
“Stonewall is….”
She paused for a moment.
“Never mind. You’ll probably learn about it in history class.”
Tina jumped as the bell screamed out, signaling the end of the period.
“Well, um, thanks Ms. Wade.”
Ms. Wade kept smiling.
“Remember Tina, if anyone gives you a hard time, just come talk to me.”
Tina just hunched her shoulders and stalked out of the room.

A straight girl from a Christian suburban family gets transferred to a gay city school.
Hope you all enjoy it!

All characters are my creations
If you want to use them in ANYTHING please ask me
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